MEDICA: Rehabilitation, Training & Aids

Image: Diagram of a brain that is being scientifically researched

Holographic imaging optimizes medical technology with light


Hidden deep in the brain are indications of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. But how can these abnormalities be visualized without taking tissue samples? The solution could lie in holographic imaging through single, hair-thin glass fibres, 0.1 mm in diameter.
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Image: Preview picture of video

3D scanner for customized in-ear hearables


In-ear hearing aids are all the rage, but customizing them is often complex and not entirely risk-free. AKmira Optronics GmbH has developed an alternative solution with its AKuris 3D scanner. The scanner enables completely non-contact measurement of the ear canal - safely, precisely and easily.
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A presenter and four female entrepreneurs sit on stage during a talk at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

"Connecting Women Leaders in Healthcare" – at MEDICA 2024


The MEDICA INNOVATION FORUM has been the meeting place for topics from areas such as AI, mobile health, wearables and robotics for years. At MEDICA 2024, the forum also brought together female leaders from the healthcare sector for the first time.
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A woman is wearing wearable headgear, the lumen glasses for people with visual impairments, and walking around at the MEDICA start-up; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

Seeing with AI and automotive technology – .lumen


.lumen specializes not only in the medical sector, but also in the automotive sector. And the software start-up will be demonstrating how these two areas fit together at MEDICA 2024: they will be presenting their .lumen Glasses in the MEDICA START-UP PARK. This wearable allows people with visual impairments to navigate their surroundings independently - just like a self-driving car.
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Image: DNA samples lying on a cell culture dish near a microscope

Exploring the power of AI in genomics


New AI-driven solutions promise to improve whole genome sequencing and diagnostics, offering insights into genetic diseases and complex conditions such as Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes. In this interview with, Dr. Uirá Souto Melo explains the technology behind the work, the challenges it faces, and the vision for the future.
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Image: Person measuring blood pressure with an electronic blood pressure monitor while holding a smartphone in the other hand.

Smarter monitoring of blood pressure with Esperto


Blood pressure monitoring technology is evolving rapidly, with various non-invasive methods available on the market. But many of the existing devices measure relative changes in blood pressure rather than providing precise, absolute readings. The startup Esperto Medical uses resonance sonomanometry to deliver accurate, real-time blood pressure measurements.
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Image: An environmentally friendly rapid antigen test placed on a green leaf; Copyright: Okos Diagnostics

Okos Diagnostics

From waste to sustainable wins: Rapid tests with biomaterials


Over 2 billion rapid test (lateral flow assay) kits are produced every year, adding tens of thousands of tons of used materials to the growing global volume of medical waste. Every test kit contains around 12 grams of plastic and is designed for single use. The company Okos Diagnostics, founded in 2022, aims to reduce the waste with a sustainable rapid test solution.
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Image: Examination of cell cultures in a laboratory

From lab to market: How vessel-chips are changing drug testing


As the medical field seeks more ethical and accurate alternatives to traditional drug testing, vessel-chip technology is a prospective solution. This technology promises greater accuracy and a reduced need for animal trials.
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Image: Woman holding a cell phone in her hand in front of her face and speaking into it

AI recognizing heart failure through voice analysis


In the future, artificial intelligence will monitor patients with advanced heart failure telemedically by the sound of their voice. This will make it possible to detect and treat deterioration at an early stage. The Berlin start-up Noah Labs UG has developed the AI required for this.
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Image: Hands of a female doctor who is looking at MRI pictures of the brain on a tablet; Copyright: YuriArcursPeopleimages


Floy: AI start-up improves evaluation in imaging


Floy from Munich brings AI in imaging into practical application and is already present in numerous German radiology practices. The start-up's software is designed to support radiologists in diagnostics and prevention by reliably detecting critical incidental findings.
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Image: Anatomical model of the human heart on a desk, next to it the hands of a cardiologist can be seen – reBeat cardiac support system; Copyright: Unai82


reBEAT: mechanical heart support of the future


With "reBEAT", the Munich-based start-up AdjuCor has developed a novel system for cardiac support and successfully implemented it together with the Cardiac Surgery Clinic at Hannover Medical School (MHH). It works by providing direct mechanical support without direct blood contact. This makes implantation easier and the system safer.
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Inage: Sitting pregnant woman holding her belly with both hands; Copyright: djoronimo


Pre-eclampsia diagnosis in focus: MOMM Diagnostics' rapid test


Early diagnosis is crucial in the case of pregnancy toxemia or pre-eclampsia. The young company MOMM Diagnostics is developing a diagnostic tool to help detect pre-eclampsia quickly and accurately. The start-up was already able to present an initial prototype of préXclude at MEDICA 2023. Clinical trials are due to start soon.
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A man in a suit walks through the MEDICA exhibition hall with a microphone; copyright: beta-web | Messe Düsseldorf

eHealth, mHealth, AI, and much more – Highlight tour in the MEDICA START-UP PARK


Every year, the MEDICA START-UP PARK attracts a lot of visitors. Young, up-and-coming companies present their products here – often for the first time ever. This stand has already been the starting point for the success stories of some companies that are now internationally active. At MEDICA 2023, we are once again taking the opportunity to talk to promising start-ups.
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Image: Medical suction cup balanced on a fingertip; Copyright: Transire Bio

Transire Bio

Suction cup as a direct route for medication into the bloodstream


Many diseases require weekly or even daily injections of medication into the blood. To make this gentler for patients, researchers have developed a suction cup for the inside of the cheek. The suction cup allows drugs to be administered non-invasively directly into the blood. With the founding of the start-up Transire Bio, this is now to become marketable.
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Image: Woman extends her arms above her head for a breathing exercise; Copyright: DragonImages


Breathment: AI-based breathing exercises for health


For people with respiratory diseases, breathing can be a challenge. Breathment, a start-up from Munich, wants to change that. With their app, they want to help COPD patients with rehabilitation and disease management.
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Image: Woman doing sports exercises on a mat while looking at a cell phone lying directly in front of the mat; Copyright: EkaterinaPereslavtseva


Gamified pelvic floor training: fun motivation for a strong core


Regular pelvic floor training can help in preventing incontinence, and often in resolving it. However, this requires consistent training over a period of months. It is therefore crucial to provide those affected with a permanently motivating form of training.
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Image: A group of Asian startups point to a whiteboard; Copyright: davidpradoperucha


Cure Xchange Challenge: initiative to incubate innovations by healthcare start-ups


Cure, a healthcare innovation campus in New York City, has opened applications for its Cure Xchange Challenge, a bold initiative to incubate innovations by healthcare start-ups and entrepreneurs across disciplines and sectors to responsibly and equitably use artificial intelligence (AI) in health.
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Image: BraiN20 wearable device for early detection of strokes; Copyright: Time is Brain

Time is Brain

Start-up Time is Brain monitors brain function after stroke


Stroke victims frequently face lasting disabilities. Recognizing this, the start-up "Time is Brain" has pioneered a portable device for early stroke detection. This innovation empowers doctors to tailor therapeutic decisions throughout a patient's journey, ensuring continuous, real-time brain monitoring from the moment a stroke begins.
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Image: Innovative 3D cell culture modell; Copyright: University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham

PeptiMatrix: Platform could replace use of animals in research


PeptiMatrix is the latest spin-out company from the University of Nottingham, providing access to an innovative 3D cell culture platform that aims to replace the use of animals in research.
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Image: an intern shows an senior physician something on a tablet. The two stand on a glass gallery in a hospital; Copyright: monkeybusiness


Into the hospital of the future: data, digitization and artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) and its use is on everyone's lips right now. How AI will change and shape our future is being hotly debated. AI applications are also trending in healthcare. But before they can deliver on their huge expectations, the basics have to be met.
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Image: clock in the background with scattered pills in the foreground; Copyright: rawf8


Improved cancer therapy: TimeTeller shows what makes the body tick


Using the internal clock to optimize chemotherapies in cancer treatment - that is the goal of the start-up TimeTeller. If the drugs are administered at the ideal time of day for chemotherapy, it can reduce side effects and improve the effect. TimeTeller has developed a method for determining the internal clock to make this possible.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Increasing the time available for treatment in intensive care units: Smart assistance system "Mona" bundles data


All information can be accessed directly where it is needed - at the hospital bedside. The intelligent assistance system "Mona" offers exactly that. With it, the start-up Clinomic is implementing what intensive care physicians and nursing staff want.
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Image: A microwell plate on a laboratory bench is filled with a multi-tip pipette; Copyright: Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin

Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin

Panadea Diagnostics: new start-up for better infection diagnostics


"Get the right result, every time": the start-up Panadea Diagnostics has set this as the goal of its work. Operating since April 2023, the biotechnology company founded by researchers at Hamburg's Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) develops special technologies for antibody detection of tropical and emerging infectious diseases.
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Image: A silver medical device with a large display on a table in a physician's office; Copyright: NIMBLE Diagnostics SL

NIMBLE Diagnostics SL

Imaging: monitoring cardiovascular stents with microwaves


A cardiovascular stent may fail after implantation. Patients with arteriosclerosis then must undergo angiography again. The condition of the stent is examined or a new stent is placed during this procedure. Barcelona-based company NIMBLE Diagnostics is now working on an easier method to monitor stents after implantation.
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Image: Someone playing a memory game on the smartphone; Copyright: beta-web | memodio GmbH


Dementia prevention with memodio – app helps fend off memory loss


Globally, 55 million persons are effected by dementia. The neurodegenerative disease is a chronic condition. Once the decline in brain function has started, it is difficult to stop it, thus underscoring the importance of prevention. This is where memodio comes into play. The app is designed to help people with cognitive training and prevent dementia.
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Image: A portable device with a large touchscreen and green handles at both sides – the Wound Viewer from Omnidermal; Copyright: beta-web/Roth


Wound Viewer from Omnidermal: using AI to monitor wounds


Caring for chronic wounds is a tedious task for caregivers and physicians, as these wounds take a long time to heal and may easily worsen. They also require a lot of documentation to plan and monitor treatment. With the Wound Viewer from Omnidermal Biomedics, a device is available that supports medical staff in this task.
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Pain therapy without medication – AURIMOD GmbH


Chronic pain is a worldwide problem that continues to limit 30 percent of those affected despite treatment. With VIVO, AURIMOD GmbH is setting a new standard in pain treatment. In our video interview, we learn how this small device attached to the ear can provide pain relief.
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Image: Hand holding sushi in the background while a photo of it is displayed in the foreground on a cell phone with options for information; Copyright: envato/boomeart


Doinglab: Nutrition management with AI


Watching your diet based on various health issues can sometimes be tiring. To make the process easier and help patients to monitor their intake, the start-up Doinglab developed an artificial intelligence technology that can recognize and understand food. FoodLens provides detailed information about the food with just a picture.
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Image: Software shows different physiotherapeutic exercises on a display; Copyright: DyCare


DyCare: Safe and remote rehabilitation


To treat musculoskeletal disorders physical therapy is often essential to help patients suffering from chronic pain. But following a patient’s progress in physical therapy can be difficult without a matching tool. To improve rehabilitation and further personalize treatment, DyCare developed a digital rehabilitation platform called ReHub.
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Image: Software shows virtual anatomical model on a display; Copyright: Virtonomy GmbH

Virtonomy GmbH

Virtonomy: Performing virtual clinical trials with a digital twin solution


Virtual clinical trials can be accomplished a lot faster and conducted with more flexibility for patients than in real life. The start-up Virtonomy takes these clinical trials to the next level with the software v-Patients. With v-Patients, a digital twin can be constructed and used in silico clinical trials.
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Image: Brain monitoring software is displayed on a monitor; Copyright: Tuomas Svärd, Antti-Jussi Haapala, Jukka Kortelainen

Tuomas Svärd, Antti-Jussi Haapala, Jukka Kortelainen

Cerenion: AI software improves brain monitoring


Intensive care patients need to be monitored closely in all areas. For a better overview of the brain functions, Cerenion developed software called C-Trend. With artificial intelligence, the care for intensive care patients can be significantly improved.
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Image: A woman who opened a medical app on her smartphone; Copyright: AnnaStills


Mia-Care: Driving digitization faster


A platform that already provides a basis so that healthcare providers can more easily implement the development and provision of digital solutions. In this interview, CEO Marzio Ghezzi explains the difficulties that the European healthcare market poses for a globally oriented start-up like Mia-Care and why a successful feedback system is indispensable for him.
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Image: A smartphone lying on blue construction paper and being passed by a white paper rocket on paper clouds; Copyright: Thayra


Start-ups in Focus – From idea to product


Start-ups are the innovation drivers in the medical market. But a good idea alone is not enough. In our topic of the month September, three representatives tell us what hurdles there are on the way to market establishment and tips on how up-and-coming founders can circumvent some of them.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Virtual treatment relieves therapists – Gamification for a successful therapy


Immerse yourself into strange worlds, solve tasks, experience adventures – computer games look especially realistic in Virtual Reality. Medicine is also making good use of virtual worlds: With CUREO, the CUREosity GmbH from Düsseldorf has developed a VR system for physiotherapy and Ergotherapy.
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