What does the program entail?
Hudy: In the course of study, the focus is on practical professional teaching in prosthetics and orthotics, which are closely interlinked with the scientific course content. The occupational teaching content with work directly on people comprises a total of 34 percent of the study content, and all the study content for direct occupational training (orthobionics, occupational applications as well as medicine) makes up a total of 75 percent of the study program. As a result, the future specialists are in a position to ensure optimal care of patients with orthopedic technical aids as well as to advance science in the field of modern care concepts for the industry. The course of study integrates the specialist theoretical and practical teaching content of the industry's master craftsman diploma.
The bachelor's degree program in Orthobionics will be in close cooperation and spatial proximity not only to the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), but also to the company Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA, which is also located in the Sartorius Quarter. Orthobionics has been developed as an industry study program and will cooperate with all major industrial companies in the sector. The integration of additional cooperation partners from medical and orthopedic technology workshops as well as the scientific community is currently being pursued.
The unique selling point of the Orthobionics degree program as an academic training program for the technical orthopedics industry results from the enrollment of young people even without prior journeyman training in the skilled trades. Furthermore, the location of the study program at the Göttingen Health Campus is unique due to the close clinical connection in the course of the cooperation with the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG). Especially with regard to the interprofessional education of the students.
What has the feedback and interest been like so far?
Dr. Nadine Hugill: We are starting this October with an initial 25 students. The interest of young people in this degree program is high. Initial feedback from industrial companies in the sector has also been very positive. The fact that the course is located at a state university means that the shortage of skilled workers in the sector can be countered even more effectively.
What kind of possibilities does the orthopedic technology teaching facility offer?
Hudy: The premises for orthobionics, with lecture halls as well as modern laboratories and an orthopedic technology teaching workshop, will be connected to the University Medical Center Göttingen. This ensures the connection to patient care and the clinical focus of technical orthopedics. Additional modern learning spaces, the so-called skills labs for training practice-oriented skills, are located at the Göttingen Health Campus in the Sartorius Quarter for the topics of communication with patients, digital manufacturing, and silicone and prepreg technology (preimpregnated fibers).