Muscles and nerves: Space research helps combat degeneration

Muscles and nervous system: Space research helps combat degeneration

Interview with Prof. Ramona Ritzmann, Department of Sport and Sport Science, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg


Image: Smiling woman with blond hair, glasses and a white blazer - Ramona Ritzmann; Copyright: private

Prof. Ramona Ritzmann

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Image: A physiotherapist is doing a leg exercise with a woman who is wearing an orthosis; Copyright: Wavebreakmedia

We can observe first signs of the degeneration of muscles and nerves already in patients who just have to spend a few days in bed. We need suitable countermeasures in rehabilitation to enable a faster return to more activity for them.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz