Cold therapy: a key to painless physiotherapy

Cold therapy: a key to painless physiotherapy

Interview with Karl Keis, Marketing and Communications, and Tjerk Wanders, Clinical Affairs Manager and MSc Physiotherapy, Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH


Picture: A man in a blue checked shirt - Tjerk Wanders; Copyright: Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH

Tjerk Wanders

Products and exhibitors around this topic

Image: Cryo7 device for cold therapy in physiotherapy; Copyright: Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH

Pre-treatment with a product from the Cryo range can help to carry out movement sequences during physiotherapy with less pain.

Bild: Lächelnder Mann in schwarzem Pullover - Karl Keis; Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH

Karl Keis

Image: Woman with glasses - Melanie Prüser; Copyright: beta-web/Klein

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