Breathment: AI-based breathing exercises for health

Breathment: AI-based breathing exercises for health

Interview with Baturay Yalvaç, Co-Founder, Breathment GmbH


Image: Three smiling men in dark T-shirts side by side in nature - Baturay Yalvaç, Yalvaç Top, Elçin Can Çavuşoğlu (l.t.r.); Copyright: Breathment

Baturay Yalvaç, Yalvaç Top, Elçin Can Çavuşoğlu (l.t.r.).

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Image: icon PHYSIO TECH; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
Image: Woman extends her arms above her head for a breathing exercise; Copyright: DragonImages

The Breathment app provides support in performing breathing and physical exercises. With the app's help, patients can receive feedback on whether they are performing the exercises correctly.

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