Return to health with bone screws made from donated tissue

Faster return to health with bone screws made from donated tissue

Interview with Jürgen Ehlers, Director, German Institute for Cell and Tissue Replacement gGmbH (DIZG)


 Image: Man in suit with glasses and short gray hair - Jürgen Ehlers; Copyright: DIZG

Jürgen Ehlers

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Image: icon PHYSIO TECH; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
Image: light brown bone screw Shark Screw; Copyright: DIZG

After the screw is inserted into the bone, the patient's own cells colonize and grow through the graft.

Image: light brown bone screw Shark Screw Diver; Copyright: DIZG

During the bone remodeling process, the bone screw transforms from foreign tissue into the patient's own tissue.

Note on the German Drug Advertising Act - HWG

Image: Woman with glasses - Melanie Prüser; Copyright: beta-web/Klein

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