Hospital Hygiene | Spheres of MEDICA

Image: Preview picture of video

Support in the OR: The interaction of robotic systems and surgeons


Robotic-assisted surgery is helping to further improve neurosurgery and laparoscopy. NaoTrac from Brain Navi automates patient registration and imaging in just 30 seconds, while AKTORmed’s system offers surgeons a 360-degree camera view for maximum precision.
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Imaging procedures: The use of robots in radiology


How can high-precision robotics and advanced imaging be effectively combined? The KUKA system offers a solution. It creates digital twins of patients and thus supports the planning of treatments down to the smallest detail. Alternatively, the ORION robot enables millimetre-precise patient positioning and is therefore perfectly suited for high-precision and personalized therapies in radiology.
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Image: Person lying on a treatment table while an ultrasound is being performed

Autonomous ultrasound: relieving the burden of everyday medical care


Autonomous robotic ultrasound systems can perform routine examinations and support doctors in the operating room. Prof. Nassir Navab from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is researching these technologies and demonstrating their potential for everyday medical practice.
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Image: AI-based measurement tool for images

AI-based mapping of the brain’s choroid plexus


A research team has received approximately one million US dollars from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop an AI-based method for three-dimensional measurement of the choroid plexus in human brain scans. This project aims to enhance our understanding of these structures, which play a crucial role in brain and spinal cord function.
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Image: Robot in the foreground in a research laboratory; Copyright: Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Andreas Heddergott / TUM

GARMI: Assistance robot with diverse capabilities


Care robot GARMI from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is becoming increasingly versatile and intelligent. It combines various skills, supports people in their everyday lives and enables telemedical examinations.
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Image: Close-up of the heads of two people performing a surgical procedure; Copyright: Jun-Prof. Benjamin Wolf/University of Leipzig

Jun-Prof. Benjamin Wolf/University of Leipzig

TMMR study shows success in cervical cancer treatment


Cervical cancer is the fourth most common malignant tumor disease in women worldwide. New research results from a comparative study lasting almost ten years show that total mesometrial resection (TMMR) practiced at Leipzig University Medicine has significant advantages over standard treatment.
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Image: MRI machine with yellow circle showing placement of sensor; Copyright: Adapted from ACS Sensors 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c0031

Adapted from ACS Sensors 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c0031

Self-powered sensor enhances MRI efficiency


MRI scans, a crucial diagnostic tool for conditions ranging from liver disease to brain tumors, require patients to remain completely still to avoid blurring the images. A new self-powered sensor could revolutionize this process by detecting patient movement in real time and stopping the MRI scan to prevent motion artifacts.
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Image: Surgical instruments in a metal sieve; Copyright: Chalabala


Sterile supplies: AI-based recognition of surgical instruments with Cir.Log


The Cir.Log project between Charité Facility Management GmbH (CFM) and Fraunhofer IPK aims to increase the efficiency of sterile processing in hospitals and improve patient safety. Essentially, the aim is to create a smooth transition from current workflows to a more efficient, technology-supported system.
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Image: In the foreground, there is a golden chip, which is used for the analysis, held by two fingers. The background is black. Copyright: David Baillot/University of California San Diego

David Baillot/University of California San Diego

Faster and more accurate pathogen detection through DNA melting


Unlike conventional blood cultures, which can take anywhere from 15 hours to several days to yield results, the new digital DNA melting analysis delivers actionable insights in under six hours. This accelerated turnaround time enables clinicians to initiate targeted treatment strategies promptly, minimizing the risk of disease progression and improving patient outcomes.
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Image: This photo shows four doctors in blue clothes, treating a patient in a place outside in Sudan. Only visual protection walls contribute to a little of privacy; Copyright: Boris Hegger / ICRC

Boris Hegger / ICRC

Optimizing humanitarian logistics enhancing medical supply distribution


Amid global conflicts, accessing medical supplies is vital. The ICRC, dedicated to aiding millions affected, grapples with complex distribution challenges. Teaming up with ETH Zurich, they've devised new logistics solutions for efficient and timely supply delivery to crisis zones.
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Image: Human organs made of paper lie on a table with the word


Organ banks and the potential of deep-freezing


We still face major challenges when it comes to the availability of donor organs. Organ banks could be a promising solution to shorten waiting times and save more lives - but only if we manage to preserve donor organs for longer.
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Image: Person lying on the stretcher of an MRI scanner while a doctor puts headphones on her head; Copyright: svitlanah


3-Tesla MRI Scanner: A Glimpse into the Future of Medical Technology


With novel technology and the integration of artificial intelligence, a new MRI scanner promises to significantly improve medical imaging. The scanner is characterized by its high performance and enables a more precise analysis of image data by means of an AI functionality.
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Image: Icons of networks and contacts between people and groups on yellow and orange surfaces; Copyright: wirestock


Collective intelligence can reduce medical misdiagnoses


Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, the Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology developed a collective intelligence approach to increase the accuracy of medical diagnoses.
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Image: Three images representing the three areas of the DHU project; a doctor selecting digital icons in the air, an online and offline meeting; Copyright: Digital Health Uptake

Digital Health Uptake

Digitization: "A common vision is missing."


Digitization is a perennial topic in the healthcare sector. Much has been written about the opportunities and dangers. But why is progress so slow in Germany and where do other EU countries stand?
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From under one roof: x-ray equipment and its software


We visited Oehm & Rehbein. The German company offers everything from a single source. In the interview, Managing Director Bernd Oehm tells us why this pays off and what the experts in X-ray equipment are currently working on.
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Image: Prof. Stephen Gilbert, blond man in dark blue shirt, poses for the camera; Copyright: EKFZ/ A. Stübner

EKFZ/ A. Stübner

Chatbots like ChatGPT: approval as medical devices


The new Nature Medicine paper by Prof. Stephen Gilbert, et. al. addresses one of the most pressing international issues of our time: How to regulate Large Language Models (LLMs) in general and specifically in health.
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Image: Several reaction vessels with tissue samples; Copyright: DZHK


Collaborative and sustainable - the DZHK's clinical research platform


At the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), clinical study data and samples belong not to individual clinics but to a superordinate structure - the DZHK. The basis for this is the collaborative clinical research platform launched ten years ago, which makes data and samples from all DZHK studies uniformly recordable.
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Image: Schematic illustration of organoid bioprinting with artificial intelligence ; Copyright: Cyborg and Bionic Systems

Cyborg and Bionic Systems

Bioprinting technology and AI enable high quality in vitro models


In the process of organoid manufacturing, bioprinting technology not only facilitates the creation and maintenance of complex biological 3D shapes and structures, but also allows for standardization and quality control during production.
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MRI in a class of its own


Better images in less time – the new MRI at Cologne-Porz Hospital uses artificial intelligence to produce the most perfect images possible from inside the body. The flexible receiver coils play an important role in this, as they also significantly improve patient comfort.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Product design in medical technology


Good design not only pleases the eye or the hand. It also guarantees intuitive and safe use and a long service life. Especially in medical technology, this can make a big difference – for staff as well as patients. Medical designers are therefore in great demand. At MEDICA 2022, we talked to two of them about their profession.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Intensive care unit rethought: Latest technology and architecture at St. Marien Hospital


Old shell, new interior: Since October 2022, the core-renovated intensive care unit at St. Marien Hospital in Siegen has been back in use after a one-year renovation period. The latest technology and a modern room concept ensure better medical care. Reason enough for to take a look at the ward.
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Image: scanning electron microscope image of red blood cells in the blood clot; Copyright: Empa


Personalized treatment of acute stroke: diagnostics with 3D virtual histology


Every minute counts when someone is having an acute stroke. If the cause is a vascular blockage caused by a blood clot (thrombus) in the brain, detailed insights into the thrombus composition is critical to remove or dissolve it successfully and help restore blood flow. But that’s often easier said than done when "time is brain".
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Image: The KARMIN room, with (from left to right) wet room, nursing area, bed and visitor zone at the window; Copytight: Tom Bauer |TU Braunschweig

Tom Bauer |TU Braunschweig

Architecture rather than antibiotics: patient room takes center stage


Hospitals take many precautions – including hygiene concepts – to prevent the spread of infection but are still unable to eliminate all pathogens. Since 2016, an interdisciplinary research team has been studying how architecture and design can help prevent the spread of highly infectious and multidrug-resistant pathogens as part of the KARMIN project.
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Image: Construction plans of a building; Copyright: FabrikaPhoto


Project: hospital construction


In addition to medical care, the recovery of patients in the hospital is a key factor. In order for this to take place in the best possible way, the focus in the planning phase should also be on optimal workplace design for medical staff. How can the balancing act between design and functionality be achieved and what will the hospital of tomorrow look like?
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Image: a clean room of SOMI medical, in the rear area is an employee sitting, in the front area is a filled storage rack; Copyright: SOMI medical GmbH

SOMI medical GmbH

Production hygiene: the packaging process from warehouse to logistics


Applications of telemedicine surged in popularity in efforts to reduce the COVID-19 infection risk for both medical professionals and patients. Unfortunately, the services typically lack a proper diagnostic option.
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Image: CT scan of the abdomen with two red markers; Copyright: PantherMedia/stockdevil_666


Computed tomography: Digital signals with photon-counting CT


Does medicine get digital when we scan in diagnostic findings and digitize them in the process? It obviously is more efficient to record data directly in digital form, but not all diagnostic tools have this option. Computed tomography has now made enormous progress in this area: Unlike conventional CT technology, the new photon-counting CT directly creates digital image data.
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Image: Man presenting something on a whiteboard to a group of people; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia Ltd.

New Work in Healthcare


Working remotely, flexible work arrangements, and digital tools for work support – all these aspects are part of the New Work concept. It's a term that most of us are familiar with, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. MEDICA 2021 will highlight how these concepts can be implemented in healthcare on Thursday, November 18, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the MEDICA HEALTH IT FORUM.
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Image: The KUKA robot sorts blood samples according to the color of their cap; Copyright: LT Automation

Image: The KUKA robot sorts blood samples according to the color of their cap; Copyright: LT Automation

Fast, accurate, automatic: Simplifying workflows with laboratory robots


Unpacking and sorting of blood samples from general practitioners is a monotonous and time-consuming task. The Aalborg University Hospital has now automated the process: Up to 3000 blood samples every day are unpacked and sorted by two lab robots provided by LT Automation. Furthermore, the samples are temperature monitored and tracked, using the Intelligent Transport Boxes.
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Image: Portable genomics device; Copyright: Philippine Genome Center Mindanao

Philippine Genome Center Mindanao

SARS-CoV-2: portable sequencing platform for developing countries


Philippine Genome Center Mindanao (PGC Mindanao) has partnered with Accessible Genomics, a group of volunteering scientists from all around the world to implement a low start-up cost genomic sequencing platform for laboratories in developing countries.
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Image: a person holding a smartphone with both hands, a healthcare app is opened; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

Digital healthcare: Treating patients at home


Digital health apps (DiGA) are increasingly becoming part of patients' everyday lives. Since the "apps on prescription" are thoroughly tested by the BfArM before approval, they are currently only tailored to individual diseases. In this Topic of the Month, we take a look at the place DiGAs already occupy in healthcare today and how they will continue to develop in the future.
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Image: Two surgeons with Virtual Reality headsets look at a floating model of a human heart; Copyright: PantherMedia/Gorodenkoff

Surgery in 3D: Virtual Reality in the OR


Surgeons do not only have to gather theoretical knowledge and practice to perform successful interventions. They also need a good visual thinking and have to know the anatomical characteristics of each individual patient. Some of these tasks will become easier when Virtual and Mixed Reality bring three-dimensional, digital models into their profession.
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Image: A physician in scrubs is putting on a Virtual Reality headset; Copyright: PantherMedia/Gorodenkoff

Broader perspective: how Mixed and Virtual Reality transform surgery


For surgeons, nothing is more important than intimate knowledge and a spatial understanding of their operating field. Yet even three-dimensional imaging methods only provide limited assistance because the data is viewed on two-dimensional screens. When it comes to surgical planning or medical education, Mixed and Virtual Reality foster a better spatial understanding of the human body.
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Image: A modernly furnished hospital entrance hall with large windows; Copyright: REGIOMED

Green Hospital: not only ecological, but holistic sustainability


The REGIOMED Klinikum Lichtenfels is the lighthouse project of the "Green Hospital Initiative Bayern" (Bavarian Green Hospital Initiative), which launched in 2014 and aims to increase energy efficiency and promote sustainability in Bavarian hospitals. Lichtenfels took things one step further by constructing an optimized new building where sustainability is an integral part.
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Image: room in a hospital; Copyright: PantherMedia / imagesupply

PantherMedia / ImageSupply

How Hospitals Can Foster Environmental Sustainability


When it comes to their environmental impact, hospitals present a challenge, yet can boost opportunities at the same time. They are an environmental burden due to a higher energy use resulting from frequently outdated technology. However, once they are modernized and switch to a sustainable concept, they can turn into a "green hospital".
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Image: Ambulance on the road; Copyright: PantherMedia / inhabitant

PantherMedia / inhabitant

Mobile stroke units: improved outcomes for ischemic stroke


If someone is having a stroke, you call an ambulance. But getting to the hospital can be time-consuming. To prevent long-term disabilities and death, patients need to be treated as quickly as possible. According to a recent study by the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, mobile stroke units play a key role in this setting.
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Image: The new medical device Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI); Copyright: IBI

Molecular Imaging: fast and reliable stroke detection


After a stroke, a patient’s life depends on getting acute care at a hospital. Vital monitoring systems ensure safe and effective treatment. An innovative tomographic imaging system is designed to help prevent the patient’s risky journey to radiology and to enable bedside monitoring of cerebral blood flow.
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Image: Transmission of medical data of an athlete to a laptop; Copyright: PantherMedia / Viktor Cap

PantherMedia / Viktor Cap

Sports medicine software: Monitoring at the push of a button


Athletes not only have to be fit and stay in shape, but they also have to achieve peak performance, especially when they get ready for athletic events. Optimized and individualized performance training requires data from external laboratories and institutes. The [i/med] Sports platform from DORNER Health IT Solutions provides a complete workflow − from anamnesis to diagnostic report.
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Image: UV Visual Lift; Copyright: by UVentions

by UVentions

Hygiene: Smart protection against pathogens like the coronavirus


Germs such as bacteria, viruses or pathogenic fungi can spread from one person to another through direct contact when we shake hands or touch objects. People touch door handles and push elevator buttons in public places and constantly move in and out of spaces. Regular manual high-level disinfection is practically impossible. UVentions GmbH has found an intelligent solution for this problem.
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Image: A half-transparent red piece of tissue in a glass filled with a yellow fluid; Copyright: United Therapeutics

rhCollagen: genetically engineered building block for regenerative medicine


Collagen is the stuff that holds our bodies together and that houses our cells. In regenerative medicine, it is also the stuff that can be applied to wounds to support healing. However, collagen from animal or human sources has some drawbacks for today’s medicine. This is where rhCollagen from the Israeli company CollPlant comes into play.
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Image: Endoscope capsule (left) next to an endoscope tube (right); Copyright:

A new type of endoscopy – small, easy, comfortable


Patients have to undergo a gastroscopy to rule out gastrointestinal conditions. Many dread this procedure since a thin, flexible tube is being pushed through the esophagus and stomach. Ovesco Endoscopy AG has teamed up with other project partners in the nuEndo research project to develop a capsule endoscopy device that is tiny, easy to swallow and makes the test more comfortable for the patient.
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Image: doctor consoles patients before surgery; Copyright:

Endoprosthetic surgery: modern and traditional approaches


Surgery is required if you need an artificial joint. Patients and doctors must select the type of surgery that’s best suited and choose between robot-assisted, traditional or minimally invasive surgical approaches. Post-operative risks should be kept to a minimum, while benefits should outweigh any possible complications.
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Image: cemented artificial hip endoprostheses; Copyright:

Endoprostheses: regaining independence and mobility


Joints can suddenly or gradually deteriorate and lose their natural strength, whether it’s due to accidents, diseases or simple wear and tear. In some of these cases, implants of artificial joints – endoprostheses - can help. As a joint replacement, they are designed to stay in the body for as long as needed and as such improve the patient’s quality of life and mobility.
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Image: Athlete with knee pain; Copyright: Itd

Endoprostheses: between possibility and reality


When natural joints lose their ability to function, they can be completely or partially replaced by artificial joints, also called endoprostheses. Endoprostheses must be of a certain quality, as they should remain in the body as long as possible. In addition to some risks, endoprostheses can also contribute to a mobile and carefree life for young and old.
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Image: patient with pain in fingers; Copyright:

APRICOT-project: implant "help(s) patients heal themselves"


Today, people tend to live longer, while an increasing number of patients suffer from osteoarthritis. Even younger generations are now at a higher risk of getting osteoarthritis due to the frequent use of mobile devices. The EU research project APRICOT aims to develop a novel type of implant for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hands – helping patients heal themselves.
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Cyber security for medical devices - Practical help for manufacturers and users


Completely underestimated: The safety risks associated with the networking of different medical devices, particularly in hospitals, have so far been severely neglected. This may now change, because the German expert group CyberMed has developed a filling aid for the technical information sheet on the cyber security of medical devices, the MDS2 form.
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Image: Volker Bruns; Copyright: Fraunhofer ISS

Fraunhofer ISS

AI software: "iSTIX opens your world to the possibilities of digital pathology"


The healthcare market offers a multitude of microscopes that make cells visible to the human eye. The same applies to AI-based software for image analysis. After taking the microscopic images, scientist are faced with large volumes of scans with usually low resolution. Yet when all aspects merge together, they open up a the world of digital pathology.
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Image: Functions of the bio-T plattform; Copyright: bio-T Medical

Medical IoT: fully realizing the potential of medical device data


The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) plays an important role in monitoring patients in hospitals or performing measurements at home. Here medical devices are connected via cloud, where all patient measurement data are collected and analyzed. In the course of digitalization, the relevance of clouds in the medical sector is constantly increasing.
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Image: Connection of medical devices; Copyright:

MEDICA START-UP PARK 2019: Experience tomorrow's innovations today


The medical market is booming - medical ideas and visions for the future are more in demand than ever. Especially at MEDICA START-UP PARK 2019 young founders want to present their product innovations. Develop business contacts, meet investors and experience an international environment in just one place. Discover in our Topic of the Month what makes MEDICA START-UP PARK unique.
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Image: Participants of the German Medical Award 2018; Copyright: German Medical Award

German Medical Award

German Medical Award 2019 celebrates the future of (patient) care


The German Medical Award will take place on November 18, 2019, as part of the MEDICA trade fair in Düsseldorf. The ceremony emphasizes the commitment to excellence in cutting-edge care for patients. Doctors, clinical centers and companies in the medical and healthcare industry can demonstrate their achievements in medicine and management in hopes of receiving the coveted award.
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Sports medicine: Neuromuscular training for optimal performance


Movement, strength and coordination - after injuries as well as in healthy athletes, these three components must be intact for movements to run smoothly. At the Beta Klinik in Bonn, Dr. Markus Klingenberg, a specialist in orthopaedics, trauma surgery and sports medicine, offers neuromuscular training with a playful character that can be adapted to the patient's needs.
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Training partner robot – This is the rehabilitation of the future


In medicine, robots are already taking over tasks that only a few years ago were exclusively in human hands. Especially in the field of rehabilitation, they will play a major role in the future. In the "RoSylerNT" project of the German Sport University Cologne, a robot arm from KUKA is being used here for training purposes. Find out why a robot is the right training partner!
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Image: Marathon runner; Copyright:

Sports medicine – keep moving to stay healthy


Physical activity plays a big role in today's society. Whether you are an amateur or professional athlete – incorporating exercise into your life positively impacts your mental and physical health. Ideally, sport should be fun, pressure-free and not overburden you. But can you measure individual performance and align it with sports?
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Image: High jump of an athlete; Copyright:

Training and rehabilitation: fit thanks to hover technology


Amateur and professional athletes are susceptible to sports injuries, balance disorders or deficits in motor function and posture. Prevention and the right training can help avoid these incidents, while targeted therapy can support a return to sports after an injury.
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Image: Cyclist; Copyright:

Performance diagnostics: success in sports – testing the limits of performance


Stationary or mobile - competitive athletes rely on regular health assessments. They must deliver peak performance and be physically fit during competitions. But when do they reach their physical limits? Are there any devices that provide information, no matter where the test subject is located?
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Image: Sports shoes of an athlete; Copyright: Daxiao_Productions

Sports medicine - performance values in best health


Those who integrate physical activities into their own lifestyle live healthier and more balanced. But where are the physical limits? Can health status measurements also be carried out on the road? Discover more about how sports medical examinations contribute to maintain performance and minimize health risks in our Topic of the Month.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Functional Imaging: The puls of modern oncology


Medical imaging techniques have developed considerably in recent decades. In addition to morphological imaging techniques more and more functional imaging techniques are used in oncology that can continously record the functions of specific organs locally and regionally in real time. These are groundbreaking for diagnostics, therapies and preoperative preparations.
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Shock wave therapy: Personalized treatment in orthopedic everyday-life


Tendinitis, myofascial pain syndromes or fractures - shock wave therapy is a noninvasive method with no side effects that promises relief. The intensity of the shock waves can be customized to meet patients’ needs and yields fast positive results. In addition to advising doctor’s offices, clinical facilities, and universities, Kröner Medizintechnik GmbH also offers treatment, support, and care.
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Image: Wrist with smartwatch, which measures the pulse rate; Copyright: / Lev Dolgachov / Lev Dolgachov

mHealth: Atrial fibrillation detection – App supports heart health


Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of persistent cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm). Researchers estimate that 1.8 million Germans are presently affected by this disease. The condition is difficult to diagnose, frequently goes undetected and may result in a stroke. A new smartwatch medical app is designed to help patients detect atrial fibrillation before it’s too late.
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Image: Man during CT examination; Copyright: panthermedia.nt/Romaset

Stroke: 4D brain perfusion accelerates treatment


In an ischaemic stroke, rapid treatment is essential. In this moment good imaging data is particularly important to enable doctors to make the best possible decision for therapy. Modern CT scanners are increasingly being used to assess stroke patients because they can show the blood flow to the brain over time.
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Image: CT scan open; Copyright:

Functional imaging: a look at the command center


All information from our body and the environment converges in our brain and is transformed into reactions in milliseconds. It is essential for medicine and research to know what our switching centre looks like. Functional methods are used to observe it more closely during work.
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Image: Patient during an fMRI examination; Copyright: De Silver

Functional imaging: what makes the brain tick?


Our brain is the command center of our body. This is where all information and impressions are collected and converted into responses and movements. Modern imaging techniques offer physicians and researchers unique insights into the actions of the human central nervous system. The functional imaging technique allows them to watch our brain in action.
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Image: Ellipsoid of revolution with a gold coating to detect backscattered photons from the skin tissue; Copyright: Sven Delbeck/Fachhochschule Südwestfalen

Sven Delbeck/Fachhochschule Südwestfalen

Blood Sugar Monitoring: Using Infrared Instead of Invasive Techniques


Over six million people in Germany have diabetes. It is estimated that almost 400 million people are affected by this disease worldwide. Diabetes sufferers must prick their fingers several times a day to monitor their blood sugar.
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Image: Leg implants; Copyright: monstArrr monstArrr

Orthopedic implant: More comfortable thanks to full weight-bearing capacity


Orthopedic implants – they are a necessity when it comes to congenital or acquired limb length discrepancies. However, full weight-bearing during the limb lengthening process is not feasible with previous implant models. For the first time, the 3D Surgery division at the Medical Center of the University of Munich has succeeded in using an implant that facilitates immediate weight-bearing.
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Image: Dosage inhaler and stethoscope in front of a shelf; Copyright:

React early, breathe free – comprehensive COPD management


COPD is considered the third most common cause of death worldwide and mainly affects smokers. It is not curable, but with the right combination of early diagnosis, therapy and self-management, a significant part of the quality of life can be regained. The comprehensive care is supported by various devices and technical tools. Learn more about the all-round care of COPD in our Topic of the Month.
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Image: senior coughing man with cigarette; Copyright:

All-round care for COPD: diagnosis, treatment, self-management


COPD affects more than 200 million people in the world. Those affected by this chronic pulmonary disease are often slow to notice the symptoms and get a medical diagnosis. This results in secondary complications and high medical costs. That's why an early diagnosis, comprehensive treatment, and frequent monitoring are very important. Various devices and tools support this all-round care.
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Image: Lung monitoring of a patient with PulmoVista 500 by Draeger; Copyright: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA

Restoring Pulmonary Function


People suffering from lung disease temporarily need ventilator support because they are unable to breathe naturally. Mechanical ventilation is designed to ensure the survival of these patients. The goal is to adapt the ventilator settings and tailor them the patient's specific needs and prevent lung tissue damage.
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Image: Cells in a Petri dish; Copyright: / devserenco

Organ-on-a-chip - the mini organs of the future?


So far in vitro methods and animal experiments have been used to determine the causes of diseases, research therapeutic approaches and predict the effect of drugs. Organ-on-a-chip models now offer a more accurate and ethically justifiable alternative. Find out more about the models, their advantages and future developments in our Topic of the Month.
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Image: Cell cultivation in a Petri dish; Copyright: / matej kastelic

Organ-on-a-chip – Organs in miniature format


In vitro processes and animal tests are used to develop new medications and novel therapeutic approaches. However, animal testing raises important ethical concerns. Organ-on-a-chip models promise to be a feasible alternative. In a system the size of a smartphone, organs are connected using artificial circulation.
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Image: Sock TelePark; Copyright: Marc Eisele, University Hospital Dresden

Marc Eisele, Universitätsklinikum Dresden

Better living thanks to telemedicine – "TelePark"- project targets patients with Parkinson’s disease


Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that primarily affects movement of patients and makes their everyday lives very challenging. It also makes regular doctor appointments and treatment sessions necessary. "TelePark" - a project that collects different movement-related parameters using sensors and apps is designed to improve the quality of life for Parkinson’s patients.
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Image: Woman at the table operating a smartphone and surrounded by utensils for diabetes therapy; Copyright: Dolgachov

Diabetes digital – smart support for diabetics


Monitoring blood sugar levels, counting carbohydrates, calculating insulin doses, and keeping accurate records - diabetes is a data-intensive disease that demands a lot of self-discipline and attention from the patients. Some concerns are patients neglecting to keep a food journal, "fudged" test results or calculation errors. Digital solutions help patients easily manage the large volumes of data.
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Image: Woman with diabetes and a sensor; Copyright: / Click and Photo

Blood glucose monitoring of tomorrow - modern diabetes therapies


There are 425 million people with diabetes in the world. Heart problems, kidney failure or blindness - these can all be consequences of the metabolic disease. Diabetes patients now have the possibility of being treated digitally.
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Image: digital capture of an eye; Copyright: / cosmin momir

A digital look inside the human eye – when algorithms diagnose Diabetes


Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes has become very common and is often described as a lifestyle disease. More and more people are suffering from this chronic metabolic disorder. Next to established diagnostic procedures, digital retinal screening has shown to be successful - a promising technique that will also play an important role in the diagnosis of other diseases in the future.
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