To improve local medical care through point-of-care tests (PoCT), 80 partners from industry and research in Saxony and Thuringia have joined forces to form the DIANA (Diagnostics and Sustainability) alliance. Dr. Dirk Kuhlmeier coordinates the alliance.18.07.2024
In Germany, digital health applications (DiGA) are an important part of modern medicine. In addition to mobile apps, these also include web-based applications, software for medical devices, telemedicine platforms, VR applications and wearable sensors. It is important that they support, improve or enable healthcare through the use of digital technologies.28.02.2024
Delve into the world of medical technology! The whole industry will meet at MEDICA in Düsseldorf 11-14 November 2024. Experience high-tech products, meet world market leaders, hidden champions and start-ups or visit the top-class forums and conferences. Regardless what you are looking for: you will find it at MEDICA 2024!YuriArcursPeopleimages
Floy from Munich brings AI in imaging into practical application and is already present in numerous German radiology practices. The start-up's software is designed to support radiologists in diagnostics and prevention by reliably detecting critical incidental findings.06.12.2023
The start-up GmbH has developed the SmartContrast software. Using artificial intelligence, it can reduce the dose of contrast agent used in MRI examinations of the brain by two thirds.Anja Stübner, EKFZ für Digitale Gesundheit
Millions of people worldwide use health and wellness applications to record health-related parameters such as symptoms, step count or heart rate in their everyday lives. This citizen-generated health data provides previously unknown information about a person's experience of illness and health.14.11.2023
MEDICA connects medical technology companies and their customers from around the globe. In 2023, more than hundred US companies exhibit at the US pavilion in hall 16, for example. For our highlight video tour, we paid the pavilion a visit. Join us to learn who is behind the organization of the pavilion and what some of the exhibitors are showcasing at MEDICA.Digital Health Uptake
Digitization is a perennial topic in the healthcare sector. Much has been written about the opportunities and dangers. But why is progress so slow in Germany and where do other EU countries stand?DC_Studio
The course urgently needs to be charted to make healthcare secure for the future. The Asklepios Trend Report, which was published for the first time this summer, highlights the key developments that will shape our healthcare system for the foreseeable future. Digitalization plays a key role in this as confirmed by a patient study also commissioned by the group.InfectoGnostics
General practitioners (GP) regularly use on-site rapid tests because they find their application useful. However, frequent utilisation fails due to costs and remuneration regulations. These are the results of a study by InfectoGnostics researchers at the University Hospital Jena in the project "POCT-ambulant", in which 292 GPs in Thuringia, Bremen and Bavaria participated.FAU/Georg Pöhlein
In the “ForNeRo – Seamless and Ergonomic Integration of Robotics into the Clinical Workflow” research network, researchers from FAU and five other research institutions and five companies are developing methods for integrating robotic assistance systems for surgical applications using intuitive interfaces in the operating room.Marius Maasewerd, HAWK
Starting from the winter semester of 2023, the Orthobionics program will launch a distinctive bachelor's degree. Geared towards the requirements of the orthopedic technology industry, they will be adept in independently providing care with modern orthoses and prostheses.svitlanah
While the 5G cellular technology standard is becoming more widespread in the public sector, development on its successor has already started. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has launched an initiative to lay the foundations for 6G. This communications technology can also be significant for the healthcare sector.Staatskanzlei SH
A delegation from the CAU and UKSH joined Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther in opening the new infrastructure for AI in the USA in the night of 8 June 2023 (German time).svitlanah
Not all advances in medical technology immediately catch your eye – take biologicals, for example. These are molecules that are biotechnologically designed for a specific application. In the German state of Baden-Württemberg, the Biologicals Development Center (BioDevCenter) and its infrastructure aim to bring them to market faster in the - Yuri A
Starting now, the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) is developing fundamental technology components for 6G-based medical applications in the research project "6G-Health" (Holistic Development of High-Performance 6G Networking for Distributed Medical Technology Systems).Helmholtz Munich/Matthias Balk
From now on, an improved research infrastructure for pandemic management and prevention will be available in the Greater Munich area: on the 29th of March 2023 a new biosafety level 3 laboratory was introduced at Helmholtz Munich.westend61
Fraunhofer FIT presents a toolbox for the rapid development of digital health applications. It can help to respond to urgent needs in the healthcare market. The platform integrates applications, methods and solutions from several national and European research projects.wichayada69
A new junior research group at Freie Universität Berlin, which will investigate the production of biodegradable antiviral and antibacterial materials, with one of the goals of synthesis being new alternatives to conventional antibiotics, will receive a total budget of more than 1.8 million euros from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) over the next five years.mihacreative
In light of climate change, the healthcare industry is putting increasing emphasis on sustainability besides digitization and labor shortages. In the future, hospital facilities will be judged by their carbon footprint and their contribution to climate neutrality.Screenshot HEDI-App
Pregnant women often feel an increased need for information. It is great when midwives, gynecologists, and advisory services are within easy reach and quickly accessible as a valuable resource. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, especially in rural districts. This is where the HEDI app can help, because it puts pregnant women in touch with local contacts and services.seventyfourimages
How far along is the digitization of the German healthcare system at the moment? It is an interesting question for both users and patients who can benefit directly from digitization and providers who plan to complement the German healthcare market with digitization products and solutions.kwanruanp
The German Center for Cardiovascular Research is centralizing its biospecimens collections, which are currently stored at 60 sites. Therefore, it is looking for two biobanks as scientific cooperation partners. Applications are now open to all German biobanks.15.11.2022
Several Fraunhofer institutes present their latest technology in the field of medical technology and health at MEDICA 2022. Automation processes, polymers and digital networking are just some of the topics to be found at the stand. We talked to some of the institutes during our highlight tour.Virtonomy GmbH
Virtual clinical trials can be accomplished a lot faster and conducted with more flexibility for patients than in real life. The start-up Virtonomy takes these clinical trials to the next level with the software v-Patients. With v-Patients, a digital twin can be constructed and used in silico clinical trials.PantherMedia / Andriy Popov
Most people who have been treated for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) recover completely within a few weeks. But for some people, symptoms can persist, requiring treatment for what is known as long COVID. The goal is to find better treatment options and implement them in rehabilitation centers.03.05.2021
Fostering healthy behavior, improving preventive care, and managing chronic conditions: medical apps can make personal health easier. After the launch of the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) in 2019, Germany has turned over a new leaf in healthcare. Physicians in Germany can now prescribe digital health applications with the costs covered by statutory insurance.PantherMedia/KostyaKlimenko
Until now, it sounded quite odd to receive reimbursement for digital health apps: There are too many and the majority has never been checked for safety and positive effects. Thanks to the "Digital Health Applications Ordinance", these apps can now reach the German market in a regulated way, physicians can prescribe them and statutory health insurance companies reimburse their use.16.12.2020
Large hospital complexes such as the University Hospital Bonn can save millions when they implement well thought-out energy-saving measures. Michael Körber reports how the UKB is already implementing this with the help of combined heat and power units and a comprehensive sustainability concept. Manuel Merges describes how these projects were also possible with the help of external financing.01.10.2020
The coronavirus pandemic has shown us we can make swift changes and handle problems if we set our minds to it, especially thanks to tools of digitization. Hospitals in Germany can expect to see a boost in digital transformation because the Federal Government adopted the "Program to Future-Proof Hospitals" (Zukunftsprogramm Krankenhäuser).Fraunhofer IBMT/Foto Bernd Müller
A key to preventing SARS-CoV-2 spread is frequent, comprehensive testing. This allows the early detection of infections and helps break the chain of infection. It always comes down to Coronavirus testing capacity. In Germany's southwest state of Saarland, the mobile epiLab (epidemiological laboratory) supports the search for infections lurking in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.01.07.2020
The REGIOMED Klinikum Lichtenfels is the lighthouse project of the "Green Hospital Initiative Bayern" (Bavarian Green Hospital Initiative), which launched in 2014 and aims to increase energy efficiency and promote sustainability in Bavarian hospitals. Lichtenfels took things one step further by constructing an optimized new building where sustainability is an integral part.PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia (YAYMicro)
Each day, a hospital consumes as much energy as a small city. Medical facilities work around the clock to provide excellent patient care. Environmental protection tends to play a secondary role as high safety and hygiene standards seem to be incompatible with optimized resource utilization – but is that really the case? Green Hospitals prove that environmental sustainability is UVentions
Germs such as bacteria, viruses or pathogenic fungi can spread from one person to another through direct contact when we shake hands or touch objects. People touch door handles and push elevator buttons in public places and constantly move in and out of spaces. Regular manual high-level disinfection is practically impossible. UVentions GmbH has found an intelligent solution for this problem.01.01.2020
When natural joints lose their ability to function, they can be completely or partially replaced by artificial joints, also called endoprostheses. Endoprostheses must be of a certain quality, as they should remain in the body as long as possible. In addition to some risks, endoprostheses can also contribute to a mobile and carefree life for young and old.02.12.2019
Smart home systems are a perfect example of how technology can make our daily lives easier. The fact that they can use a tablet to adjust lighting and blinds in every room benefits older adults in more ways than one. These types of technical systems are a part of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and create a safe living environment for older persons.02.12.2019
Average life expectancy keeps increasing, while birth rates are declining – at least when it comes to most industrial nations. The coming decades will see a decreasing number of gainfully employed people versus more and more senior citizens and people in need of care. It's a trend that already pushes healthcare to the brink. That's why we desperately need new concepts. One of them is AAL.05.11.2019
Completely underestimated: The safety risks associated with the networking of different medical devices, particularly in hospitals, have so far been severely neglected. This may now change, because the German expert group CyberMed has developed a filling aid for the technical information sheet on the cyber security of medical devices, the MDS2 form.Sven Delbeck/Fachhochschule Südwestfalen
Over six million people in Germany have diabetes. It is estimated that almost 400 million people are affected by this disease worldwide. Diabetes sufferers must prick their fingers several times a day to monitor their blood sugar.01.03.2019
Coughing, airway obstruction, difficulty breathing: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an umbrella term used to describe progressive and currently incurable lung diseases. The innovative solutions of Philips Respironics help patients to manage each stage of the disease and their medication intake, train the respiratory system and provide respiratory support.01.02.2019
The liver, nervous tissue or the intestines: all are important human organs that have in the past been tested for their function and compatibility using animal or in vitro test methods. In recent years, TissUse GmbH, a spin-off of the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin), has launched multi-organ chip platforms. But that’s not all.