Mobile stroke units: improved outcomes for ischemic stroke

Mobile stroke units: improved outcomes for ischemic stroke

Interview with Professor Heinrich Audebert, Assistant Director of Neurology at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.


Image: Prof. Heinrich Audebert; Copyright: Charité

Prof. Heinrich Audebert, Deputy Clinical Director of Neurology at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Image: Ambulance on the road; Copyright: PantherMedia / inhabitant

The use of STEMOs for acute care of stroke patients not only saves time, but also reduces the risk of disability.

Image: Exterior view of a STEMO; Copyright: Charité

STEMOS should not only be used in metropolises, but in the future also in suburbs and rural areas.

Image: Interior view of a STEMO; Copyright: Charité

In addition to the conventional equipment of an ambulance, the interior of the STEMOS also contains a CT, devices for vascular imaging, a CT angiography and a mini-lab.

Image: Diana Heiduk; Copyright: private

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