Photonics: "We want a rapid and easy method to identify pathogens and antibiotic resistance"

Photonics: "We want a rapid and easy method to identify pathogens and antibiotic resistance"

Interview with Prof. Jürgen Popp, Scientific Director, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), and Prof. Mathias Pletz, Director of the Institute of Infection Medicine and Hospital Hygiene, University Hospital Jena


Image: Man in a black suit and with glasses in leaning on bannisters - Prof. Jürgen Popp; Copyright: Sven Döring

Prof. Jürgen Popp

Image: Physician with brown hair and glasses - Prof. Mathias Pletz; Copyright: Universitätsklinikum Jena

Prof. Mathias Pletz

Image: A greenly lit laboratory device; Copyright: Sven Döring

A Raman micro spectroscope is able to determine specific vibrational spectra of bacteria that are fixated on a chip. Based on this technology, the InfectoGnostics Research Campus in Jena is developing the latest photonic resistance tests.

Image: Man with glasses and beard - Timo Roth; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

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