MEDICA START-UP PARK: Experience innovations today

A man gives a lecture to an audience on a stage at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair; copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Healthcare politics at the heart of the action – German Hospital Conference


The German Hospital Conference is an institution at MEDICA: For years, this conference has been bringing together decision-makers from German hospitals and associations from this sector for a professional exchange.
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Image: Preview picture of video

MEDICA 2024 – Where healthcare is going


Delve into the world of medical technology! The whole industry will meet at MEDICA in Düsseldorf 11-14 November 2024. Experience high-tech products, meet world market leaders, hidden champions and start-ups or visit the top-class forums and conferences. Regardless what you are looking for: you will find it at MEDICA 2024!
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Image: Rebecca Richards-Kortum smiles at the camera in a lab; Copyright: Brandon Martin/Rice University

Brandon Martin/Rice University

Affordable global health technologies for early cancer detection


A Rice University-led collaboration from three continents has won up to a five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health to establish a premier research center in the Texas Medical Center to develop affordable, effective point-of-care (POC) technologies that improve early cancer detection in low-resource settings in the United States and other countries.
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Image: A woman in personal protective clothing examines samples under a microscope; Copyright: monkeybusiness


Pandemic prevention: progress in research infrastructure


The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly shown that there is still a lot of potential in research structures and funding to better manage a pandemic. Prevention plays just as important a role as dealing with the pandemic. Technological measures that can facilitate virus detection or help to analyze the course in more detail need to be developed.
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Image: A telecontrolled robotic arm supports and relieves a person during care activities; Copyright: Kathrin Seibert

Kathrin Seibert

AI: How can you bring health professionals and algorithms together?


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) can relieve healthcare workers and improve patient care. A survey among healthcare professionals in the medical and nursing sector by the 'Platform Learning Systems' has found that employees are open-minded, but demand changes in their daily work in return.
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Image: European Union flags in front of the Berlaymont building, headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels; Copyright: Dmitry_Rukhlenko


ETERNITY: EU graduate training on metabolism and neurodegeneration


In a new, EU funded program, early career scientists are tracking down the connection between metabolic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. DZNE is involved in a leading role.
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Image: Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther opened the

Staatskanzlei SH

AI from the universities in Kiel and San Francisco launched


A delegation from the CAU and UKSH joined Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther in opening the new infrastructure for AI in the USA in the night of 8 June 2023 (German time).
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Image: Humboldt-Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler and Dr. Clara T. Schoeder analyse protein structures in front of a big screen; Copyright: Swen Reichhold

Swen Reichhold

Infectious diseases: digital 'vaccine library' against pandemics


The Institute for Drug Discovery led by Humboldt Professor Jens Meiler is to receive 1.9 million dollars (1.77 million euros) for the development of vaccines. The international Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) will fund computer-aided vaccine development at Leipzig University with the aim of building a digital ‘vaccine library’ of components and virtual antigen designs.
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Image: Woman examines an x-ray of a head via a hologram in a dark room; Copyright: - Yuri A - Yuri A

6G Health kick-off: better healthcare with 6G networking


Starting now, the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) is developing fundamental technology components for 6G-based medical applications in the research project "6G-Health" (Holistic Development of High-Performance 6G Networking for Distributed Medical Technology Systems).
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Image: Female physician in a hospital is throwing trash into a trash can; Copyright: karrastock


CirculAid: funding for a circular economy in healthcare


The health care system and its activities consume a lot of resources. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the existing problem due to the increased need for hygiene and protective equipment. Urgent action is needed to protect the environment and combat climate change by reducing consumption and improving resource efficiency.
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Image: Group picture in front of the BSL 3 high-security laboratory; Four women and three men in business attire; Copyright: Helmholtz Munich/Matthias Balk

Helmholtz Munich/Matthias Balk

Helmholtz Munich: research infrastructure for pandemic management and prevention expanded


From now on, an improved research infrastructure for pandemic management and prevention will be available in the Greater Munich area: on the 29th of March 2023 a new biosafety level 3 laboratory was introduced at Helmholtz Munich.
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Image: Someone playing a memory game on the smartphone; Copyright: beta-web | memodio GmbH


Dementia prevention with memodio – app helps fend off memory loss


Globally, 55 million persons are effected by dementia. The neurodegenerative disease is a chronic condition. Once the decline in brain function has started, it is difficult to stop it, thus underscoring the importance of prevention. This is where memodio comes into play. The app is designed to help people with cognitive training and prevent dementia.
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Image: Smiling female doctor in a practice, using a tablet; Copyright: westend61


Platform for the rapid development of digital health applications


Fraunhofer FIT presents a toolbox for the rapid development of digital health applications. It can help to respond to urgent needs in the healthcare market. The platform integrates applications, methods and solutions from several national and European research projects.
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Image: Group of IT consultants working with digital tablets and managing big data; Copyright: nateemee


How dementia quality registries can contribute to better dementia care


The Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (AIHTA) has investigated which key factors are essential in the planning, design, implementation and operation of so-called dementia quality registries.
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Image: Dr Anke Katharina Bergmann in a white coat, holding a tablet, is standing in front of a virtual map of Europe; Copyright: Karin Kaiser / MHH,

Karin Kaiser / MHH,

MHH leads EU large-scale project for personalized cancer care


CAN.HEAL aims to expand the available innovations in cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the Member States in order to improve care for all patients in the EU. The project focuses on measures of personalized medicine. Genomics is an important cornerstone for this.
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Image: Overview graphic on sustainable growth; Copyright: mihacreative


Green Hospital: Carbon neutral thanks to sustainable technology


In light of climate change, the healthcare industry is putting increasing emphasis on sustainability besides digitization and labor shortages. In the future, hospital facilities will be judged by their carbon footprint and their contribution to climate neutrality.
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Image: A woman who opened a medical app on her smartphone; Copyright: AnnaStills


Mia-Care: Driving digitization faster


A platform that already provides a basis so that healthcare providers can more easily implement the development and provision of digital solutions. In this interview, CEO Marzio Ghezzi explains the difficulties that the European healthcare market poses for a globally oriented start-up like Mia-Care and why a successful feedback system is indispensable for him.
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Image: A female physician is talking to a coughing man in a video meeting; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andrey Popov

PantherMedia/Andrey Popov

Telemedicine: Safe diagnostics in the pandemic - and beyond


Who could have foreseen how the Corona pandemic would transform our lives? The work world has been transformed by mobile working and digital tools. Face-to-face meetings still matter, but they are not quite as important as they used to be. And telemedicine is changing how physicians interact with patients.
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Image: A vegan to flexitarian diet; Copyright: PantherMedia / marilyna

PantherMedia / marilyna

Climate Change: "Meat Should be Reserved for Special Occasions"


The global food system today directly and indirectly impacts personal and planetary health and burdens the health care system and climate as a result. Rethinking our diet and food choices and using technology can make a lasting difference on the health of people and our planet.
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Image: Preview picture of video

MEDICA and COMPAMED 2021: Relaunch as hybrid events


In 2020, MEDICA and COMPAMED took place as pure online events due to the corona pandemic. In 2021, the fairs will be arranged as hybrid events: on-site in Düsseldorf and complemented with additional online services. We talked to Christian Grosser, Project Director Health & Medical Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, about this relaunch.
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Image: Entrance of the Messe Düsseldorf, at the floor a MEDICA logo next to the writing “MEDICA – Welcome”; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

MEDICA 2021: Return to the fair halls!


The last year was quite different, since MEDICA had to take place online due to the Corona pandemic – but in 2021 we return to the fair halls in Düsseldorf again! There are not only about 2.900 exhibitors from 70 nations expecting you, but also a rich program in our forums and conferences. We took an advanced peek on some of the exciting highlights for you in our Topic of the Month.
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Image: Portable genomics device; Copyright: Philippine Genome Center Mindanao

Philippine Genome Center Mindanao

SARS-CoV-2: portable sequencing platform for developing countries


Philippine Genome Center Mindanao (PGC Mindanao) has partnered with Accessible Genomics, a group of volunteering scientists from all around the world to implement a low start-up cost genomic sequencing platform for laboratories in developing countries.
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Image: Woman wearing a FFP2 facemask in a Flower store, Copyright: Gettyimages


Optimal usage time for face coverings


Researchers from Surrey's renowned Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) explore two key questions: how long a mask should be worn; and when should it be discarded, recycled or washed to optimise its usage time.
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Image: Hand of a woman holding a smartphone with an opened health app; Copyright: PantherMedia/grinvalds

DiGA: App on prescription


Fostering healthy behavior, improving preventive care, and managing chronic conditions: medical apps can make personal health easier. After the launch of the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) in 2019, Germany has turned over a new leaf in healthcare. Physicians in Germany can now prescribe digital health applications with the costs covered by statutory insurance.
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Image: room in a hospital; Copyright: PantherMedia / imagesupply

PantherMedia / ImageSupply

How Hospitals Can Foster Environmental Sustainability


When it comes to their environmental impact, hospitals present a challenge, yet can boost opportunities at the same time. They are an environmental burden due to a higher energy use resulting from frequently outdated technology. However, once they are modernized and switch to a sustainable concept, they can turn into a "green hospital".
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Image: Shaking hands of two people, one of them wearing a doctor's coat, in front of wind turbines and solar panels in the sun; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia (YAYMicro)

PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia (YAYMicro)

Hospitals go green – helping patients and Mother Nature


Each day, a hospital consumes as much energy as a small city. Medical facilities work around the clock to provide excellent patient care. Environmental protection tends to play a secondary role as high safety and hygiene standards seem to be incompatible with optimized resource utilization – but is that really the case? Green Hospitals prove that environmental sustainability is possible.
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Image: Hands formed into a bowl holding a green hemisphere with buildings, wind turbines and solar panels; Copyright: PantherMedia/sellingpix


Green Hospital: on the way to more sustainability


In times of climate change, interest in ecological alternatives and solutions has grown in the health sector, too. However, for the complex organism of a hospital this sometimes poses a great challenge. How can energy be saved despite continuous operation? To what extent are hygiene standards and waste reduction compatible? And what costs are associated with the Green Hospital?
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Image: A modernly furnished hospital entrance hall with large windows; Copyright: REGIOMED

Green Hospital: not only ecological, but holistic sustainability


The REGIOMED Klinikum Lichtenfels is the lighthouse project of the "Green Hospital Initiative Bayern" (Bavarian Green Hospital Initiative), which launched in 2014 and aims to increase energy efficiency and promote sustainability in Bavarian hospitals. Lichtenfels took things one step further by constructing an optimized new building where sustainability is an integral part.
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Image: Transmission of medical data of an athlete to a laptop; Copyright: PantherMedia / Viktor Cap

PantherMedia / Viktor Cap

Sports medicine software: Monitoring at the push of a button


Athletes not only have to be fit and stay in shape, but they also have to achieve peak performance, especially when they get ready for athletic events. Optimized and individualized performance training requires data from external laboratories and institutes. The [i/med] Sports platform from DORNER Health IT Solutions provides a complete workflow − from anamnesis to diagnostic report.
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Image: Aerial view of the unfinished hospital in the savannah; Copyright: Dagmar Braun

Dagmar Braun

Much-needed medical technology: a hospital for Togo


If life has given you many blessings, you should share them with others – and you also need to be a little crazy. That's Dagmar Braun's point of view. She initiated the construction of a hospital in Togo, Africa. The country currently lacks the system required to deliver comprehensive medical care. Surgical equipment and gynecology devices are much-needed to compensate for these deficits.
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Image: cemented artificial hip endoprostheses; Copyright:

Endoprostheses: regaining independence and mobility


Joints can suddenly or gradually deteriorate and lose their natural strength, whether it’s due to accidents, diseases or simple wear and tear. In some of these cases, implants of artificial joints – endoprostheses - can help. As a joint replacement, they are designed to stay in the body for as long as needed and as such improve the patient’s quality of life and mobility.
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Image: several people standing around a bed with a stand-up function on which one person sits; Copyright: Ralf Lienert/Allgäuer Zeitung

AAL Living Lab: research, education and raising awareness


Smart home systems are a perfect example of how technology can make our daily lives easier. The fact that they can use a tablet to adjust lighting and blinds in every room benefits older adults in more ways than one. These types of technical systems are a part of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and create a safe living environment for older persons.
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Image: elderly woman in a wheelchair showing a nurse something on a tablet; Copyright:

Smart care: safety and support thanks to AAL


Average life expectancy keeps increasing, while birth rates are declining – at least when it comes to most industrial nations. The coming decades will see a decreasing number of gainfully employed people versus more and more senior citizens and people in need of care. It's a trend that already pushes healthcare to the brink. That's why we desperately need new concepts. One of them is AAL.
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Image: elderly woman with a tablet on her lap; Copyright: Dolgachov

Ambient Assisted Living: sensors for seniors


Our ageing society is confronted with fewer and fewer workers. One of the many consequences is a shortage of skilled nursing staff. Ambient Assisted Living should solve this problem. By equipping the living environment of elderly people or people in need of care with (technical) assistance systems, they are to be given more self-determination and security. The nursing staff also benefits.
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Image: Volker Bruns; Copyright: Fraunhofer ISS

Fraunhofer ISS

AI software: "iSTIX opens your world to the possibilities of digital pathology"


The healthcare market offers a multitude of microscopes that make cells visible to the human eye. The same applies to AI-based software for image analysis. After taking the microscopic images, scientist are faced with large volumes of scans with usually low resolution. Yet when all aspects merge together, they open up a the world of digital pathology.
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Image: MEDICA START-UP PARK; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

MEDICA START-UP PARK: "For those, who want to experience the startup-spirit"


When the halls of MEDICA are open to the world to showcase medical innovations, one joint exhibition booth is guaranteed to attract special attention - the MEDICA START-UP PARK. The startups that present their advances in this setting are interesting to visitors and investors, yet long-time exhibitors and big businesses can also benefit from building relationships with these young companies.
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Image: Connection of medical devices; Copyright:

MEDICA START-UP PARK 2019: Experience tomorrow's innovations today


The medical market is booming - medical ideas and visions for the future are more in demand than ever. Especially at MEDICA START-UP PARK 2019 young founders want to present their product innovations. Develop business contacts, meet investors and experience an international environment in just one place. Discover in our Topic of the Month what makes MEDICA START-UP PARK unique.
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Image: Glucometer next to a smartphone that shows the blood glucose level; Copyright:

DiaDigital: making sense of diabetes apps


While they are very useful, health apps have one major drawback: anyone can release and distribute them unchecked. Only some apps require medical device certification. So how can users spot a great, safe and useful app? When it comes to diabetes apps, the “DiaDigital” seal of distinction is the answer.
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