AI in radiology: reliable partner for diagnosing CT images

AI in radiology: reliable partner for diagnosing CT images

Interview with Ivo Driesser, Global Marketing Manager and Product Manager of AI-Rad Companion Chest CT, Siemens Healthineers


Bild: Portrait of Ivo Driesser; Copyright: Siemens Healthineers

Ivo Driesser, Global Marketing Manager and Product Manager of the AI-Rad Companion Chest CT at Siemens Healthineers

Image: Heart with coronary arteries recognized and segmented from thoracic CT images, marked green by AI Measurements of calcification of coronary arteries; Copyright: Klinikum Nürnberg

Highlighted in green by AI-Rad Companion Chest CT including measurements of calcifications of the coronary arteries.
510(k) pending. This information about this product is preliminary. It is under development, not commercially available, and its future availability cannot be ensured.

Image: Measurement of several sections of the aorta by AI-Rad Companion Chest CT in accordance with guidelines; Copyright: Klinikum Nürnberg

Measurement of several vessel sections of the aorta by AI-Rad Companion Chest CT based on medical guidelines.
510(k) pending. This information about this product is preliminary. It is under development, not commercially available, and its future availability cannot be ensured.

Image: CT image of two lungs with KI-supported automatic highlighting, quantification and measurement of anatomy and deviations; Copyright: Klinikum Nürnberg

CT image of the lungs with AI-supported automatic highlighting, quantification and measurement of anatomy and deviations.
510(k) pending. This information about this product is preliminary. It is under development, not commercially available, and its future availability cannot be ensured.

Image: Lung node highlighted by AI-Rad Companion Chest CT (red indicates the lung node with automatic measurement); Copyright: Klinikum Nürnberg

Lung node highlighted by AI-Rad Companion Chest CT (red indicates the lung node with automatic measurement)
510(k) pending. This information about this product is preliminary. It is under development, not commercially available, and its future availability cannot be ensured.

Bild: Elena Blume; Copyright: P. Schmitz

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