Healing Environment: thoughtful design improves patient care

Healing Environment: thoughtful design improves patient care

Interview with Werner Frenz, Chief Marketing Officer Hospital Segment, Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH


Image: Smiling man - Werner Frenz; Copyright: Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH

Werner Frenz

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Image: Animation of a hospital room with ceiling supply unit and LED lighting; Copyright: Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH

Imagining what is not yet - What architects are capable of usually does not necessarily apply to hospital staff. But that's exactly what they have to be able to do later. Visualizations such as 3D animations help to find the right solution for everyone involved.

Image: 3D animation of a two-bed room with warm light an wood panelled walls; Copyright: Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH

Hospital rooms have a bad reputation. However, less "clinical" surfaces and LED lighting options can create a more comfortable atmosphere for patients.

Image: Woman with short hair smiling - Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

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